Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Marine Mammals

I think marine mammals should not be kept in captivity because.. 1) the way they capture them is dangerous and some even die when they get caught and 2) my second reason is whales need a lot of free space to swim and the sea world tanks are not that deep and whales travel in groups 3) my third reason is there getting took out of there environment and there wild animals so some some don't last and some may even die i just think its wrong to keep them locked up in tanks when there used to swimming for long distances and in groups. marine mammals should not be kept in captivity .

Friday, November 20, 2009

The road less traveled

The road less traveled is not always an easy road to take but I took that road. Most girls would have given up and just took the easy way out, but I didn’t I made a choice that would change my life forever I chose to keep my baby and that was the most grown up decision I ever had to make I had two options, but I couldn’t picture myself doing that to my own child it wasn’t anyone’s fault but mine. I wanted the normal teenage life, party, high school, prom, gradation but all my plans changed when I found out I was pregnant I wasn’t going to be a normal teen I had to change my whole life and that was really hard I wanted to be selfish and get an abortion but I just couldn’t. I felt like my life was over and that I wasn’t going to have a good life for my baby. I didn’t know how to tell the baby’s father I was so scared I had so many feelings going on inside but I told, him he was scared too we were so young but I couldn’t kill my baby, my mom was so sad and couldn’t believe her baby was having a baby my whole family was shocked because I was the good girl. Some said to give her up for adoption but I didn’t want to do that to my child but eventually they got over it. I didn’t want to throw all my dreams away so I kept going to school I have to make a good life for me and my baby, and the day I had her was the best she was 8 pounds 4ounces and she was born on December 22, 2007. I couldn’t believe she was mine most girls would have been on Christmas brake but I was having a baby she was so beautiful I feel in love right when I seen her she was the best thing that ever happened to me .well I’m 17 now and I’m still in school my baby is going to be two and I’m planning to graduate and go to college I know that school is the best thing for me I love my life its hard but I wouldn’t change it for the world she makes me so happy. I love her fat cheeks and her beautiful smile .

Monday, November 9, 2009


I think its really sad that she went threw that. I hope that girls learn from her situation and choose to leave if there in that situation, i think shes a really strong person to speak about it and to leave and to say that its not okay to be in a abusive relationship. i hope he learned his lesson and i hope she never goes back i think she can do way better anyways i hope every girl who goes threw this or went threw it learned and takes a second thought about staying because it could of been worse and she could of died.

Monday, October 19, 2009

music therapy

To Whom It May Concern,
I am writing this letter to you today to express how much Cal-Safe means to me and my daughter. Since my baby has been in this program she has progressed so much and knows how to interact with other babies and my daughter loves me to read to her, every day she brings me the same book and sits on my lap and I read it to her .she also sings the songs they teach her in the program and she is only fifteen months old. And this program gives me a chance to be in school and get my diploma and I can go on to college and be a probation officer and make a good living for me and my child. The Cal-Safe program provides activities like music and they teaches them to read and there colors they also have breakfast ,lunch, and snacks so I don’t have to worry about bringing my child food.

Leana Delatorre

Monday, August 31, 2009

My Goals

My first goal is to pay attention in class and focus on my work and also not talk as much as i do .

My second goal is to make up my missed work and to come everyday on time and to be respectful to my teachers.

My third goal is to force myself to ask for help when i don't understand even if it bugs me.

My forth goal is to start potty training my daughter before she turns two.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Words Alive Discussion

Yesterdays discussion about piece of cake was really good, i liked that we all knew about the book and that every one participated, i learned that everyone has their own opinion about the book. I really loved this book because even though she had a horrible life she still went forward and did something with her life and that shows that even if you have a messed up life you can still become something . The ladies that came were really nice and they also knew a lot about the book and i liked that they didn't judge her for the things shes done.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Question three.....

I think that Cupcakes motivation for writing this story is that she wants people to know her life story and i think that maybe by her writing this story she believes it will help people who are going through what she went through , and i think readers will get a lot out of this story and maybe it will help them appreciate their life and appreciate the people in their life's i don't think cupcake is trying to reveal anything, but just to let people know that everyone life isn't perfect and just to go forward even if you been through hell.

Piece of cake discussion questions

1)In the beginning ,in foster care what would you have done if you were in Cupcake's situation ?

2)Have you ever experienced what Cupcake is going through ?

3)Do you think everything is true about Cupcake's story?

Spelling Bee Sentences

1)My uncle is going into rehabilitation because he needs help.
2)When you go into court they make you swear under oath.
3)Today the polar bears are going extinct if we don't do anything to stop it.
4)Schools have an intolerance for bad behavior.
5)Milay is very sinister towards me.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Manifest Destiny

1.)There was culture diversity because there were many different tribes that did different things and it all depended where they lived .

2.)One example is that the Native Americans showed the Europeans how to provide for them selves and make different foods. Second example the Europeans showed the Native Americans how to use guns and they also brought horses.

3.) The Europeans believed that the land should be owned and that God gave them permission and it was his will. The Native Americans believed that the land should be free for everyone to share.

4.) The Europeans thought that they were better than the native Americans and that it was there will to rule the land .

5.)I think that things would of been a whole lot different and maybe the world wouldn't be that messed up.

6.)One of the strategies were that they would trade land for Health care.

Friday, August 14, 2009


1.What did the spanish rename the Kumeyaay tribe?

  • They named them the Diegueno because they were used to naming groups after their mission.

2.List at least three of their main food staples(what they ate).

  • They ate mollusks,grunion,wild fruits,berries and their staple acorns.

3.What three groups or bands were the kumeyaay divided into?

  • Ipai,Tipai and Kamia.

4.Did the Kumeyaay convert to christianity?

  • No, they didn't .

5.What happen on November 4 & 5,1775?

  • A force of kumeyaay surrounded Mission San Diego de alcala and attacked a small contingent of spaniards.

6.How many Kumeyaay currently live in San Diego country?

  • 20,ooo kumeyaay live in san diego today.

7.What kinds of tattooing were used by this tribe?

  • Women tattooed their, foreheads,chins,arms, cheeks, and breasts. Men tattooed their legs. tattoos were used for body decoration and ceremonial purposes.

8.What type of clothing did the Kumeyaay wear?

  • Kumeyaay wore willow bark skirts, and men wore nothing, just a belt to hold tools for hunting. Sometimes wore agave fiber sandals, but were usually barefoot.

9.the kumeyaay were experts at making what product? What were the uses for this product?

  • Kumeyaay were experts in making baskets. They were worn as hats for men and women. They were also used as baskets to carry items, or as bowls to carry water, and to cook.

10. Where can we view Kumeyaay artifacts today?

  • We can view Kumeyaay artifacts at Cuyamaca State Park.

11. When you educate your child about the Native Americans from this area, what do you believe is the most important part of the information you learned, that you will share with them? Why?

  • In my opinion the most important thing i would teach my daughter is how the the Kumeyaay lived I think this is important for her to know because there are differences between tribes.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Dot wouild be a subordinate character because she never talked at all in the story and she didnt affect the story in anyway.

Cupcake is a dynamic character because during the whole story her life is changing, sometimes for the good but for the bad too, her life changed for the good because she got out of the foster home and got a job,house, and she got Emancipated . Then it changed for the bad because she started to use drugs more and more and started to sell them as well.

Mr Burns(cupcakes father) is a static character because in the begining of the story he uses cupcake and her mothers money and at the end he calls cupcake and trys to brainwash her into just to get her money .

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A piece of cake

Cupcakes new conflict is that she moved in with her dad and she lives with three hoes and that every one around her uses drugs.

I think the type of conflict is (self vrs society) because people around her are using drugs.

I think the resolution is that shes going to realize that her life is messed up and that she wants to change so shes probably going to get another job and move out .

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Japan's famous food

  • One of the famous foods in japan is Sushi its a small piece of raw seafood placed on a ball of vinegared rice , most commom ingrediants are tuna , squid and prawns ,cumber pickled radish and sweet egg omelet are also served with the sushi .

  • Ramen is another japanese dish it was originally introduced from china but over time it became japanized, its made with chinese style noodles prepared in a soup with various toppings .Its one of the many popular dishes in Japan.

  • Hamubagu it is a japanese style hamburger steak it is typically served on a plate and usually with a demi-glazed sauce ,but it doesnt have a bun .

  • Tonkatsu are deep fried pork cutlets ,tonka tsu are served with shredded cabbage or on top of cooked rice katsudan or with japanese style curry rice (Katsu Kare).

  • KAYU, Kayu is rice gruel, watery, soft cooked rice that resembles oatmeal. It is a appropiate dish for using left over rice and is often served to sick people because it can be digested easily.

Monday, April 13, 2009

The Secret Life Of The Bees

~What do "secret life of bees" have to do with racisim?

1) The Secret life of the bees has to do with racism because in the book they treat the African americans different than the white people. This book took place in the times where racism wasn't illegal and they would treat the colored people like they weren't worth nothing and would beat them when they were in jail, some would even get killed.

~Can you relate to the story and to her experiences with racism ? What experiences have you had to deal with that are similar to Lily?

2) I can relate to Lily in a way because people are racist till this day its not the way it was before but there is racism in this world still. And i relate to her because i am a young mother and sometimes people think thats wrong and they act wierd and ask questions and they tell me im dumb for having a baby so young but i love my baby, and thats how i can relate to her story .

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Tiger Shark.....

The Tiger Shark is a cartilaginous shark they live up to 50 years and there size is 10 to 14 feet and they weight about 850 to 1,400 pounds .You can tell how young a shark is by there stripes because there stripes start to fade away and almost disappear . the Tiger shark is a man eater it is the second most dangerous shark in the sea compared to the great white its a carnavore .The tiger shark will eat anything in its path its a very aggresive shark .and when it gives birth it mates in march and april and there pregnet for 14 months and has up to 20 to 60 babies at time and the newborn is 20 inches long .The tiger shark can go onto rivers and and harbors . They live in t breath ropical and sub tropical temperature . they breath like fishes through there gills .